10 Steps to Dying to Self: A Journey of Spiritual Transformation

10 Steps to Dying to Self: A Journey of Spiritual Transformation

Dying to self is a fundamental concept in Christianity, emphasizing the surrender of our own desires and will to the will of God. It's a journey of spiritual transformation where we seek to emulate Christ's selflessness and obedience. Here are ten steps to help navigate this transformative process.

  1. Acknowledge Your Need for Transformation: Recognize that you cannot fully live out God's will while clinging to your own desires. Admit your weaknesses and shortcomings before God, inviting His transformative work in your life. You are always in need of a Savior.

  2. Surrender in Prayer: Prayer is the cornerstone of dying to self. Regularly spend time in prayer, surrendering your will to God's and seeking His guidance in every aspect of your life.

  3. Study God's Word: Dive deep into Scripture to understand God's character, His will, and His ways. The Bible serves as a guide for living a life aligned with God's purposes. Anything the Holy Spirit guides you to do will align with the Bible.

  4. Rely on the Holy Spirit: Since Jesus is the only righteousness you will ever have, instead of "trying your best", begin to listen to what the Holy Spirit is directing you to do. You will find it is easier to hear Him when you aren't trying to perform.

  5. Cultivate a Servant's Heart: Follow Christ's example of servanthood by putting the needs of others before your own. Look for opportunities to serve without expecting recognition or reward.

  6. Embrace Sacrifice: Sacrifice is at the heart of dying to self. Be willing to let go of your comfort, preferences, and even dreams if they conflict with God's will. His plans will always be much better than what you could dream.

  7. Crucify Your Fleshly Desires: Identify and crucify the fleshly desires that hinder your spiritual growth. This may involve overcoming temptations, breaking unhealthy habits, or letting go of sinful patterns of behavior. Again, recognizing the weakness and bringing it to the ALTAR is where Jesus can begin to ALTAR you!

  8. Forgive Freely: Release bitterness, resentment, and grudges through forgiveness. Just as God has forgiven you, extend forgiveness to others without holding onto past hurts.

  9. Seek Accountability and Community: Find fellow Believers who will encourage you, pray for you, and hold you accountable in your walk with Christ. If you have none, pray that the Lord will lead you to someone who will represent Him well.

  10. Live in Surrender Daily: Dying to self is not a one-time event but a daily decision (even a minute to minute decision) to surrender to God's will. Continually seek His guidance, yield to His leading, and trust in His plan for your life. Remember, JESUS is your righteousness and your trust is in Him.  Surrender to HIM and give yourself some grace.

Dying to self is a lifelong process of becoming more like Christ. It requires intentionality, perseverance, and FULL reliance on the Holy Spirit. As you journey through these ten steps, may you experience the joy and freedom that come from surrendering your life entirely to God. #TheALTARedLife #ALTARed #KingdomIdentity

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